The Creative Interactive Between China and Japan
2015.07.14 20:00-21:00
RITO R+Space
International Exchange
UNKNOWN ASIA ART EXCHANGE was born in Osaka, Japan, and is co-sponsored by "digmeout" (discover me) and ACN (Asian Creative Network), with the aim of discovering the new generation of creative people in Asia. It aims to discover the new generation of creative people in Asia.
In 2015, Shenzhen Fringe organized the event "The Creative Interactive Between China and Japan", inviting Japanese ubies planner Yuke Shono and digmeout planner Junhiro Taniguchi to participate together. They shared their experiences in organizing various creative projects and how they, as initiators of creative exchange platforms, use creativity to connect creatives in the Asian region and explore the possibilities of future cooperation in various fields.
Hiroaki Shono
vision track / ubies Curator
He is the corporate representative of "vision track", an artist agency. In 2011, he established "ubies", a creative exchange platform that started in Asia, and in 2013, he published "150 Asian Creators Who Make the World Passionate" through PIE International, and in 2014, he planned the "ACN Hosted ASIAN CREATIVE AWARDS" and received more than 1000 creators from all over Asia. The total number of entries exceeded 3,000. He is currently a member of ACN.
Yoshihiro Taniguchi
FM802/digmeout Curator
A native of Kyoto, curator of "digmeout", an organization dedicated to discovering young artists. He has used many new artists in FM802's visual design projects, and has participated in the promotion of major companies such as Sony, Nissan, and Resona Bank, and the distribution of art books. He has also been active in various exhibitions that connect "street", "art" and people at home and abroad. Currently, he is the curator of "digmeout ART&DINER", an art gallery café in American Village. In May 2011, he started to run the art gallery "DMO ARTS" as a director.
Organizer: Shenzhen Fringe
Partner: RITO
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